As part of my exploration in creating multi-exposure keyframe image displays with FFmpeg and ImageMagick, I tried out a number of things that did not help solve the initial problem but still could be interesting for other things. Most interesting was the automagic creation of image masks from a video file.

I will use a contemporary dance video from the AIST Dance Video Database as an example:

The first step is to extract keyframes from the video file using this one-liner ffmpeg command:

ffmpeg -skip_frame nokey -i *.mp4 -vsync 0 -r 30 -f image2 t%02d.tiff

This will use the keyframes from the MP4 file, which should be faster than doing a new analysis of the file. It could, of course, also be possible to sample the video at regular intervals, but the keyframes seem to work fine for my usage. I also choose to save the exported keyframes as TIFF files to avoid running multiple rounds of compression on the files. The end result is a bunch of keyframe images that can be used for further processing.

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Here we are lucky, because the first frame actually contains the background of the scene. So we can use that frame to create a “foreground” image by subtracting the background image like this:

for i in *.tiff; 
name=`echo $i | cut -d'.' -f1`; 
convert t01.tiff $i -compose difference -composite -threshold 5% -blur 0x3 -threshold 20% -blur 0x3 "$name-mask.tiff" 
convert $i "$name-mask.tiff" -compose multiply -flatten "$name-clean.jpg"

The end result is a series with the foreground masks:

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And then the final result is a series of images in which only the foreground is shown. The “glow” around the images is because of the blur effect used when creating the mask:

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Adaptive background

There may also be cases in which there is no readily available background image as we used above, such as in this hip-hop AIST dance video:

Then it is possible to create a background image by averaging over all the images, and hope that this could “remove” the foreground. Here is a one-liner that does this (assuming that you have exported the individual keyframes as mentioned in the beginning of this post):

convert *.tiff -background black -compose lighten -flatten background.tiff

This works quite well, although we can see that the camera right behind the dancer is a little more faint the two others:

Background image created by averaging over all the keyframes.

This background image can then be used to subtract from the other images like we did above:

for i in *.tiff; 
name=`echo $i | cut -d'.' -f1`; 
convert background.tiff $i -compose difference -composite -threshold 5% -blur 0x3 -threshold 20% -blur 0x3 "$name-mask.tiff" 
convert $i "$name-mask.tiff" -compose multiply -flatten "$name-clean.jpg"

It works very well, except for that the camera behind the performer (that wasn’t masked properly) also shows up in the masked foreground images:

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This method works quite well and has the benefit of being very fast. It is possible to get a better result by creating an average image from the entire video (and not only the keyframes), but this would also take very much longer.