Finding duration and pixel dimensions for a bunch of video files

As part of my #StillStanding project I need to handle a lot of video files on a daily basis. Today, I wanted to check the duration and pixel dimensions of a bunch of files in different folders. As always, I turned to FFmpeg, or more specifically FFprobe, for help. However, figuring out all the details of how to get out the right information is tricky. So I decided to ask ChatGPT for help....

August 2, 2023 · 2 min · 307 words · ARJ

Sound and Light vs Audio and Video

People often refer to “sound and video” as a concept pair. That is confusing because, in my thinking, “sound” and “video” refer to very different things. In this post, I will explain the difference. Sound and Audio In a previous blog post, I have written about the difference between sound and audio. The short story is that “sound” refers to the physical phenomenon of vibrating molecules, such as sound waves moving through air....

July 4, 2023 · 1 min · 208 words · ARJ

The Art of Flying

I participated in the conference The Aesthetics of Absence in Music of the Twenty-First Century at the Department of Musicology the last couple of days. Judith Lochhead started her keynote lecture with a clip from the movie The art of flying by Jan van Ijken. This is a beautiful short film based on clips of flocking birds: The art of flying from Jan van IJken on Vimeo. Of course, I wanted to see how some video visualizations would work, so I reached for the Musical Gestures Toolbox for Python....

May 26, 2023 · 2 min · 308 words · ARJ

Understanding the GoPro Max' File Formats

I use a GoPro Max 360-degree camera in my annual #StillStanding project. That means that I also have had an excellent chance to work with GoPro files and try to understand their inner logic. In this blog post, I will summarize some of my findings. What is recorded? Recording “a video” with a GoPro Max results in recording multiple files. For example, each of my daily 10-minute recordings ends up with something like this:...

May 25, 2023 · 9 min · 1901 words · ARJ

The effect of skipping frames for video visualization

I have been exploring different video visualizations as part of my annual stillstanding project. Some of these I post as part of my daily Mastodon updates, while others I only test for future publications. Most of the video visualizations and analyses are made with the Musical Gestures Toolbox for Python and structured as Jupyter Notebooks. I have been pondering whether skipping frames is a good idea. The 360-degree videos that I create visualizations from are shot at 25 fps....

May 20, 2023 · 3 min · 466 words · ARJ

Visualization of Musique de Table

Musique de Table is a wonderful piece written by Thierry de Mey. I have seen it performed live several times, and here came across a one-shot video recording that I thought it would be interesting to analyse: The test with some video visualization tools in the Musical Gestures Toolbox for Python. For running the commands below, you first need to import the toolbox in Python: import musicalgestures as mg I started the process by importing the source video:...

May 10, 2023 · 2 min · 290 words · ARJ

Making 2D Images from 360-degree Videos

For my annual Still Standing project, I am recording 360 videos with audio and sensor data while standing still for 10 minutes. I have started exploring how to visualize the sensor data best. Today, I am looking into visualization strategies for 360-degree images. I have written about how to pre-process 360-degree videos from Garmin VIRB and Ricoh Theta cameras previously. The Theta records in a dual fisheye format like this:...

April 1, 2023 · 2 min · 241 words · ARJ

365 Sound Actions

1 January this year, I set out to record one sound action per day. The idea was to test out the action–sound theory from my book Sound Actions. One thing is writing about action–sound couplings and mappings, another is to see how the theory works with real-world examples. As I commented on after one month, the project has been both challenging and inspiring. Below I write about some of my experiences but first, here is the complete list:...

December 31, 2022 · 4 min · 751 words · ARJ

Video visualizations of mountain walking

After exploring some visualizations of kayaking, I was eager to see how a similar approach could work for walking. On a trip to the Norwegian mountains, specifically at Haugastøl, situated halfway between Oslo and Bergen, I strapped a GoPro Hero Black 10 on my chest and walked up and down a nearby hill called Storevarden. The walk was approximately 25 minutes up and down, and a fast-forward version of the video can be seen here:...

July 17, 2022 · 2 min · 319 words · ARJ

Kayak motion analysis with video-based horizon leveling

Last year, I wrote about video-based motion analysis of kayaking. Those videos were recorded with a GoPro Hero 8 and I tested some of the video visualization methods of the Musical Gestures Toolbox for Python. This summer I am testing out some 360 cameras for my upcoming AMBIENT project. I thought I should take one of these, a GoPro Max, out for some kayaking in the Oslo fjord. Here are some impressions of the trip (and recording)....

July 13, 2022 · 3 min · 590 words · ARJ