Reflections on Open Innovation

I have been challenged to talk about innovation in the light of Open Research today. This blog post is a write-up of some ideas as I prepare my slides. Looking at my blog, I have only written about innovation once in the past, in connection to a presentation in Brussels about Open Innovation. Then, I highlighted how my fundamental music research led to developing a medical tool. That is an example of “classic” innovation, developing software that solves a problem....

September 22, 2023 · 4 min · 806 words · ARJ

23 tips to improve your web presence

I was challenged to say a few words about improving their personal web pages at the University of Oslo. This led to a short talk titled 23 tips to improve your web presence. The presentation was based on experiences with keeping my own personal page up to date, but hopefully, the tips can be useful for others. Why should you care about your employee page? Some of my reasons include:...

March 17, 2021 · 3 min · 470 words · ARJ

Some Thoughts on the Archival of Research Activities

Recently, I have been engaged in an internal discussion at the University of Oslo about our institutional web pages. This has led me to realize that a university’s web pages are yet another part of what I like to think of as an Open Research “puzzle”: Cutting down on web pages The discussion started when our university’s communication department announced that they wanted to reduce the number of web pages. One way of doing that is by unpublishing a lot of pages....

January 26, 2021 · 4 min · 754 words · ARJ

Come study with me! New master's programme: Music, Communication and Technology

It has been fairly quiet here on the blog recently. One reason for this is that I am spending quite some time on setting up the new Music, Communication and Technology master’s programme. This is an exciting collaborative project with our colleagues at NTNU. The whole thing is focused around network-based communication, and the students will use, learn about, develop and evaluate technologies for musical communication between the two campuses in Oslo and Trondheim....

December 13, 2017 · 1 min · 81 words · ARJ

Participating in the opening of The Guild

I participated in the opening of the Guild of Research Universities in Brussels yesterday. The Guild is a transformative network of research-led universities from across the European continent, formed to strengthen the voice of universities in Europe, and to lead the way through new forms of collaboration in research, innovation and education. The topic of the opening symposium is that of Open Innovation, a hot topic these days, and something that the European Commission is putting a lot of pressure on....

November 22, 2016 · 3 min · 489 words · ARJ

Norwegian Championship in standstill

On Thursday we are organising the first Norwegian Championship of standstill at University of Oslo. This is part of the University’s Open Day, a day when potential new students can come and see what happens on campus. Besides the competitive part, the championship is (of course) a great way to gather more data about how people stand still. The art of standing still is something that has been a great interest of mine for the last year or so, and I have been carrying out different types of smaller experiments to understand more about the micromovements observed when standing still....

March 6, 2012 · 1 min · 209 words · ARJ

UiO adds social media buttons on web pages

A few weeks ago I mentioned that University of Oslo now openly supports RSS- and Twitter-feeds from the official employee web sites. Now I see that social linking has also been embedded in the new profile, as can be seen for example here. These types of links have been around for some years, but many academic institutions seem to have been very reluctant when it comes to jump on the web 2....

August 18, 2010 · 1 min · 95 words · ARJ

Springer books at UiO

The new University of Oslo contract with Springer means that staff and students get access to all Springer books (~15 000) published since 2005 (titles available here). Now I just need to get an iPad to start reading…

June 30, 2010 · 1 min · 38 words · ARJ

IT standards in Norway

Today the Norwegian government decided on the following standards to be used in all public communication: Video: Theora/Vorbis/Ogg or H.264/AAC/MP4 Sound: Vorbis/Ogg, MP3 or FLAC/Ogg Image:.jpg or PNG Documents: PDF or ODF Character encoding: ISO10646 - UTF8 It is great to see that they encourage to use (mainly) open formats and standards. Now it will be interesting to see how long it takes before these standards are actually widely used. Asking Google for help, I see that it will probably take some time before the University of Oslo is following the new guidelines:...

July 2, 2009 · 1 min · 135 words · ARJ

Three workshops in a row

The last few weeks have been quite busy here in Oslo. We opened the new lab just about a month ago, and since then I have organised several workshops, guest lectures and concerts both at UiO and at NMH. I was planning to post some longer descriptions of what has been going on, but decided to go for a summary instead. {height=“150”} First we had a workshop called embedded systems workshop, but which I retroactively have renamed RaPMIC workshop (Rapid Prototyping of Music Instruments and Controllers)....

October 28, 2008 · 2 min · 359 words · ARJ