Students in musicology, music cognition and technology should consider ISSSM 2007:

Following on the success of the first international summer school in systematic musicology (ISSSM 2006), the summer school will be held for the second time at IPEM, the research centre of the Department of Musicology of Ghent University (Belgium). This year courses will focus on current topics in the research field such as embodied music cognition, music information retrieval and music and interactive media. The school is aimed at graduate students working on their Master or PhD thesis, but it is open to any person carrying out research in this field. ISSSM is a Socrates IP (Intensive Programme) supported by the European Commission and involving several European universities. The project coordination and organization is in the hands of Prof. Dr. Marc Leman (Professor in Systematic Musicology at IPEM , Dept. of Musicology, Ghent University).

I will probably also have a lecture at this summer school.