FAIR data as an enabler for research-led education

As part of my duties as a Norwegian member of EUA’s Open Science Expert Group, I was asked to write an “expert voice” on how to think about FAIR data from an educational perspective. Below is a copy of my short article. How Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable data enables research-led education FAIR data is an essential component of the open research ecosystem. In this article, Alexander Refsum Jensenius argues that “FAIRification” can also benefit research-based and research-led education, providing opportunities to bring together different university missions....

November 6, 2023 · 4 min · 826 words · ARJ

Exploring Essay Writing with You.com

There has been much discussion about ChatGPT recently, a chat robot that can write meaningful answers to questions. I haven’t had time to test it out properly, and it was unavailable when I wanted to check it today. Instead, I have played around with YouWrite, a service that can write text based on limited input. I thought it would be interesting to ask it to write about something I know well, so I asked it to write a text based on an abbreviated version of the abstract of my new book:...

December 16, 2022 · 7 min · 1431 words · ARJ

Starting up the AMBIENT project

Today, I am starting up my new research project AMBIENT: Bodily Entrainment to Audiovisual Rhythms. I have recruited a great team and today we will have our first meeting to discuss how to work together in the coming years. I will surely write much about this project on the blog. For now, here is a quick teaser to explain what it is all about:

September 5, 2022 · 1 min · 64 words · ARJ

Starting up the MICRO project

I am super excited about starting up my new project - MICRO - Human Bodily Micromotion in Music Perception and Interaction - these days. Here is a short trailer explaining the main points of the project: Now I have also been able to recruit two great researchers to join me, postdoctoral researcher Victor Evaristo Gonzalez Sanchez and PhD fellow Agata Zelechowska. Together we will work on human micromotion, how music influences such micromotion, and how we can get towards microinteraction in digital musical instruments....

February 3, 2017 · 1 min · 108 words · ARJ

Starting afresh

After four years as Head of Department (of Musicology at UiO), I am going back to my regular associate professor position in January. It has been a both challenging and rewarding period as HoD, during which I have learned a lot about managing people, managing budgets, understanding huge organizations, developing strategies, talking to all sorts of people at all levels in the system, and much more. I am happy to hand over a Department in growth to the new HoD (Peter Edwards)....

December 27, 2016 · 3 min · 484 words · ARJ

My research on national TV

A couple of weeks ago, NRK, the Norwegian broadcasting company screened a documentary about my research together with the physiotherapists at NTNU in the CIMA project. The short story is that we have developed the tools I first made for the Musical Gestures Toolbox during my PhD, into a system with the ambition of detecting signs of cerebral palsy in infants. The documentary was made for the science program Schrödingers Katt, and I am very happy that they spent so much time on developing the story, filming and editing....

November 5, 2014 · 1 min · 110 words · ARJ

Paper #1 at SMC 2012: Evaluation of motiongrams

Today I presented the paper Evaluating how different video features influence the visual quality of resultant motiongrams at the Sound and Music Computing conference in Copenhagen. Abstract Motiongrams are visual representations of human motion, generated from regular video recordings. This paper evaluates how different video features may influence the generated motiongram: inversion, colour, filtering, background, lighting, clothing, video size and compression. It is argued that the proposed motiongram implementation is capable of visualising the main motion features even with quite drastic changes in all of the above mentioned variables....

July 12, 2012 · 1 min · 166 words · ARJ

Visual overviews in MS Academic Search

I have been using Google Scholar as one of my main sources for finding academic papers and books, and find that is has improved considerably over the last few years. A while ago they also opened for creating your own academic profile. It is fairly basic, but they have done a great job in managing to find most of my papers, citations, etc. Now also Microsoft has jumped on academic search, and has launched their own service....

May 6, 2012 · 2 min · 274 words · ARJ

Interdisciplinarity in UiO's new strategy

I am happy to see that the first point in the new UiO strategy plan is interdisciplinarity, or more specifically: “Et grensesprengende universitet”. Interdisciplinarity is always easier in theory than in practice, and this is something I am debating in a feature article in the latest volume (pages 32-33) of Forskerforum, the journal of the The Norwegian Association of Researchers (Forskerforbundet). I have written about interdisciplinarity on this blog several times before (here, here and here)....

August 31, 2010 · 2 min · 281 words · ARJ

GDIF recording and playback

Kristian Nymoen have updated the Jamoma modules for recording and playing back GDIF data in Max 5. The modules are based on the FTM library (beta 12, 13-15 does not work), and can be downloaded here. We have also made available three use cases in the (soon to be expanded) fourMs database: simple mouse recording, sound saber and a short piano example. See the video below for a quick demonstration of how it works:

July 3, 2010 · 1 min · 74 words · ARJ