Just back from the 1st Nordic Music Technology Conference organized by NTNU in connection with Trondheim MatchMaking organized by TEKS. This is the follow-up conference from Musikkteknologidagene which I organized in Oslo last year as an attempt to gather people working within the field.

Ola Nordahl has posted some nice pictures from the Opening day, where Paul Lansky held a great keynote about his compositions (check out his music page for examples of his work). I gave a presentation on challenges and possible solutions in the study of musical body movements.

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The NoMuTe presentations were interesting, but the MatchMaking presentations were a bit more spectacular, not the least the one by Australian artist Stelarc who showed examples of how he is exploring the extended body, including an ear he is growing on his left arm!

The most memorable performance was by Dutch Pierre Bastien playing on a home “mechaoustical” rig built of mecano, a casio toy keyboard and various mechanical parts. Very lo-tech, and astonishingly musical!