Last week I participated in the Teatrix workshop organized by BEK at USF Verftet in Bergen. The idea was to explore technology in a stage setting. The people participating were: Paola Tognazzi, H.C. Gilje, Gisle Frøysland, Marie Nerland, Trond Lossius, Thorolf Thuestad, Tim Place, Iver Findlay, Linda Birkedal, Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Georges Gagneré, Anders Gogstad.

The most interesting for me was the chance to work together with Tim Place and Trond Lossius on Jamoma, and during the week we had the chance to discuss and develop quite a lot. We had previously decided to start using OSC internally in all the modules, and now got the chance to test this more. Tim also made this great mapping module, which makes it easy to map anything to anything within the system.

A lot has changed since previous versions and a new release of Jamoma will probably come out quite soon.