2023, A Year of Still Standing

Yesterday, I completed my 365 Sound Actions project, during which I recorded one sound action per day as part of preparing for the launch of my book Sound Actions. Today, on 1 January 2023, I start this year’s project: recording myself standing still 10 minutes every day. You can follow the progress on Mastodon. Starting up AMBIENT Although I am happy about completing my sound actions project, I have enjoyed the ritual of doing something every day....

January 1, 2023 · 4 min · 686 words · ARJ

MusicLab receives Danish P2 Prisen

Yesterday, I was in Copenhagen to receive the Danish Broadcasting Company’s P2 Prisen for “event of the year”. The prize was awarded to MusicLab Copenhagen, a unique “research concert” last October after two years of planning. The main person behind MusicLab Copenhagen is Simon Høffding, a former postdoc at RITMO, now an associate professor at The University of Southern Denmark. He has collaborated with the world-leading Danish String Quartet for a decade, focusing on understanding more about musical absorption....

February 6, 2022 · 2 min · 295 words · ARJ

MusicTestLab as a Testbed of Open Research

Many people talk about “opening” the research process these days. Due to initiatives like Plan S, much has happened when it comes to Open Access to research publications. There are also things happening when it comes to sharing data openly (or at least FAIR). Unfortunately, there is currently more talking about Open Research than doing. At RITMO, we are actively exploring different strategies for opening our research. The most extreme case is that of MusicLab....

October 30, 2020 · 6 min · 1172 words · ARJ

Keynote: Experimenting with Open Research Experiments

Yesterday I gave a keynote lecture at the Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing in Tromsø. This is an annual conference that gathers librarians, research administrators and publishers, but also some researchers and students. It is my first time to the conference, and found it to be a very diverse, interesting and welcoming group of people. Abstract Is it possible to do experimental music research completely openly? And what can we gain by opening up the research process from beginning to end?...

November 29, 2019 · 5 min · 999 words · ARJ