I am happy to announce a new version of VideoAnalysis, a standalone application for OSX and Windows for creating visualizations and extract motion features from video files.

The GUI of VideoAnalysis v2.0

VideoAnalysis was developed as a standalone version of the Musical Gestures Toolbox. I began working on the toolbox back in 2004, as a collection of modules for Max/MSP/Jitter. Then some people asked me to make a standalone version with some of the core functionality. This version was primarily developed for music researchers, but is also used for sports, dance, healthcare, architecture, and interaction design.

I have less time for development myself these days, so most of the work on the new release has been made by Bálint Laczkó and Aleksander Tidemann. Thanks!

So for anyone reading this: please try out the new version. And if you have problems and/or find any bugs, please report them in the tracker.