I have moved my web pages back and forth between many servers and domains over the years, and each time something breaks and/or disappears. This is particularly the case for my various projects, and I realized that on my projects page more or less all the links were broken. But rather than trying to update that page, I have decided to start using my blog as an archive for projects, and tag them with projects. So over the coming months I will slowly start adding historic blog posts, trying to date them at the time when I first published the content.

First out of these historic documents is the project Laser Dance (2001), which was the first project where I got into interactivity in performance. The interactivity was based on a very simple solution: a single IR-sensor pointing in the same direction as a laser beam. Even though it only gave a digital signal (motion on/off), it had a strong visual (and auditory) impact. A good reminder that a simple solution can often work best!

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