Musikkteknologidagene 2007, a Norwegian contact meeting for people working in the field(s) of music technology, will be organised at the Norwegian Academy of Music 10 and 11 October. I initiated the first of these meetings back in 2005, and am happy that we manage to keep the concept alive. Both research on, and use of, music technology is growing rapidly in Norway as everywhere else. However, while many of us working in the field have large international networks in our special branches of the music technology world, we often seem to know little about what is happening in our own country.

Thus, Musikkteknologidagene is an important arena where people of different practices and backgrounds may meet and discuss. It is only by joining forces that we can show everyone else that music technology has become a mature field in its own right, and should not be considered as a subdiscipline anymore. This requires that researchers, practitioners (producers, musicians, etc.) and teachers at all levels meet and talk together.