I found (via Trond’s blog) the funny story Unhappy Hour about a group of people getting stuck with a jukebox playing Brian Eno’s Thursday Afternoon. I bought the DVD not too long ago, and it has become one my favourites.

Eno writes in the liner notes: These pieces represent a response to what is presently the most interesting challenge of video: how does one make something that can be seen again and again in the way that a record can be listened to repeatedly? I feel that video makers have generally addressed this issue with very little success: their work has been conceived within the aesthetic frame of cinema and television (an aesthetic that presupposes a very limited number of viewings) but then packaged and presented in a format the clearly intends multiple viewings, the tape or disc.


So long ad video is regarded only as an extension of film or television, increasing the hysteria and exoticism is its most likely future. […] I am interested in a type of work which does not necessarily suggest this relationship: a more steady-state image-based work which one can look at and walk away from as one would a painting [sic.]: it sits still and you move.

Interestingly enough, I think his ideas about video also fit well with the focus on “narrativity” (e.g. large scale form) in music.