Image size

While generating the videograms of Bergensbanen, I discovered that Max/Jitter cannot export images from matrices that are larger than 32767 pixels wide/tall. This is still fairly large, but if I was going to generate a videogram with one pixel stripe per frame in the video, I would need to create an image file that is 1 302 668 pixels wide. This made me curious as to what type of limitations exist around images....

July 16, 2011 · 1 min · 159 words · ARJ

Browser screen estate

A blog post at NRK beta tells about the recent popularity of Chrome, and mentions that the small pixel footprint the browser takes is an advantage. But how big is actually the difference? I decided to check out how much screen estate some of the most popular browsers use. Here is the result of this informal test on an OSX.6 machine (smallest at top): Chrome Safari Opera Firefox 4 See the screenshot below to check for yourself:...

October 1, 2010 · 1 min · 110 words · ARJ