Data, Metadata and Paradata

I have had some interesting discussions about what constitutes metadata these days. What is really the difference between metadata and data? While participating in ESOF today, I came across the term paradata, which was new to me. What is that, and how does it differ from data and metadata? Data Data refers to raw facts, observations, measurements, or representations of information in various formats, such as numbers, text, images, audio, or video....

June 13, 2024 · 4 min · 775 words · ARJ

Editing PDF metadata

Sometimes it is necessary to check, remove or modify the metadata of PDF files. Here is a quick post to show how it can be done in the terminal on Ubuntu Checking PDF metadata Most PDF viewers have an option for showing the metadata of PDF files. This can also be done in the terminal using the “pdfinfo” command-line tool. First, we need to install the “poppler-utils” package: sudo apt install poppler-utils Once installed, you can check the metadata by using the following command:...

April 10, 2023 · 1 min · 186 words · ARJ

Edit video rotation metadata in FFmpeg

I am recording a lot of short videos these days for my sound actions project. Sometimes the recordings end up being rotated, which is based on the orientation sensor (probably the gyroscope) of my mobile phone. This rotation is not part of the recorded video data, it is just information written into the header of the MPEG file. That also means that it is possible to change the rotation without recoding the file....

February 12, 2022 · 1 min · 157 words · ARJ

Metadata Hootenanny

Metadata Hootenanny is a tool for easy adding metadata (annotations and chapters) to QuickTime files. It also has a nice timeline function, showing the frames (or only keyframes) of the movie file, where it is possible to easy navigate and add chapter information. Seems like an easy way of adding information quickly to movie files, although it does not have any more advanced features as found in real annotation software....

February 10, 2006 · 1 min · 70 words · ARJ