Are you jumping or bouncing?

One of the most satisfying things of being a researcher, is to see that ideas, theories, methods, software and other things that you come up with, are useful to others. Today I received the master’s thesis of Per Erik Walslag, titled Are you jumping or bouncing? A case-study of jumping and bouncing in classical ballet using the motiongram computer program, in which he has made excellent use of my motiongram technique and my VideoAnalysis software....

February 21, 2013 · 1 min · 146 words · ARJ

New Master Thesis 2: Music Kinection: Musical Sound and Motion in Interactive Systems

Yet another of my master students have graduated recently, and here is a link to his thesis: Even Bekkedal: Music Kinection : Musical Sound and Motion in Interactive Systems Even has carried out a so-called “practical” master thesis, with a more practical focus. He has carried out a mocap analysis of how people move while playing computer games with a Kinect device, and has also prototyped several mocap instruments....

February 14, 2013 · 2 min · 332 words · ARJ

New Master Thesis: Freestyle Dressage: an equipage riding to music

I am happy to announce that the dissertation of one my master students has just been made available in the DUO archive: Catherine Støver: Freestyle Dressage : an equipage riding to music Catherine wrote about the importance and influence of music in freestyle dressage. Most of my students are working on more music technological topics, and I can clearly say that supervising Catherine was both fun and a great learning experience for myself....

February 14, 2013 · 2 min · 355 words · ARJ

Sound files from MA thesis

Edit: These files are now more easily accessible from my UiO page. While preparing a lecture for the PhD students at the Norwegian Academy of Music, I came across some of the sound files I created for my MA thesis on salience in (musical) sound perception. While the content of that thesis is now most interesting as a historical document, I had a good time listening to the sound examples again....

June 6, 2012 · 2 min · 383 words · ARJ