
Adding descriptions to my blog

I have generally been very happy about moving my blog to Hugo, except that I have struggled with getting it properly indexed with Google, Bing, etc. One of the benefits of using standard WordPress is that it comes with a lot of automatic functions for such things. In theory, that should also happen with Hugo. However, for some reason, my blog did not work. After various trials and errors, I think I am getting on the right track....

July 13, 2024 · 2 min · 399 words · ARJ

Moving from WordPress to Hugo

I have been running my blog with a self-hosted WordPress install for almost two decades, and I finally decided to move to a static website solution. The relatively rapid shift was triggered by a WordPress update that caused trouble with the paths to images throughout my blog. However, since my site was hacked a couple of years ago, I have pondered alternative solutions for running the blog. I have been tired of all the updates and security issues with a server-based content management system and figured that a static website solution would be more straightforward in the long run....

December 1, 2022 · 4 min · 826 words · ARJ