The sound of naked piano

Here is my latest electroacoustic composition “The Sound of Naked Piano”: Alexander Jensenius · The Sound of Naked Piano I got the idea to the title of this piece from a concert outside the San Francisco Museum of Modern art: ”The sound of naked Men”. A naked man was lying with contact microphones attached to his body. Lots of amplifiers and speakers provided the audience with crisp sounds of heart beats, and blood pulsating through the veins of the “performer”....

November 28, 2011 · 6 min · 1090 words · ARJ

Master exam concert

Last week I performed my master exam concert at the Department of Music and Theatre, University of Oslo. The program consisted of improvisations for piano and live electronics. Different MIDI, audio, and video processing techniques were used. Here I describe the different pieces. Performa It is incredible how many exciting sounds one can get from a piano, and mallets are a nice change from playing on the keys. The computer helps with temporal adjustments and background sounds....

November 28, 2001 · 2 min · 301 words · ARJ