Omslag_Ryhme-small I have written a chapter called From experimental music technology to clinical tool in the newly published anthology Music, Health, Technology and Design, edited by Karette A. Stensæth from the Norwegian Academy of Music. Here is the summary of the book:

This anthology presents a compilation of articles that explore the many intersections of music, health, technology and design. The first and largest part of the book includes articles deriving from the multidisciplinary research project called RHYME ( They engage with the study of the design, development, and use of digital and musical ‘co-creative tangibles’ for the potential health benefit of families with a child having physical or mental needs.

And here is the abstract of my chapter:

Human body motion is integral to all parts of musical experience, from performance to perception. But how is it possible to study body motion in a systematic manner? This article presents a set of video-based visualisation techniques developed for the analysis of music-related body motion, including motion images, motion-history images and
motiongrams. It includes examples of how these techniques have been used in studies of music and dance performances, and how they, quite unexpectedly, have become useful in laboratory experiments on ADHD and clinical studies of CP. Finally, it includes reflections regarding what music researchers can contribute to the study of human motion and behaviour in general.