After extensive testing Jamoma 0.5 is finally released. Even though the version number is low, this release has been worked on for around 18 months, and is actively used in both teaching and performance.

What is Jamoma? A platform for interactive art-based research and performance. It consists of several parallell development efforts:

  • Jamoma Modular - a structured approach to development and control of modules in the graphical media environment Max.
  • Jamoma DSP - an object-oriented, reflective, application programming interface for C++, with an emphasis on real-time signal processing. Jamoma DSP can be used for development of VST and AudioUnit plugins as well as externals or unit generators for Max, Pd, Csound and SuperCollider.
  • Jamoma Multicore - a coding layer built on top of JamomaDSP for the creation of dynamic audio graph topographies. Multicore refers both to the fact that connections are made using ‘multicore’ cables (snakes) that represent multiple channels of audio and the possibility of leveraging multicore processors with the system in the future.
  • Jamoma Tools - a collection of utilities that are used to automate the process of developing and distributing projects, with a specific focus on the Max environment.

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