10-phone Melodrone improvisation

A couple of weeks ago the Oslo Mobile Orchestra (OMO) got the chance to perform with a set of HTC mobile phones. Unfortunately, I do not have any recordings of the performance we did, but I do have a recording of a small improvisation I did while setting up the 10 phones for the performance. The improvisation is based on the wonderful little Android app called Melodrone. Thanks to HTC for lending us the phones....

December 13, 2012 · 1 min · 75 words · ARJ

MT9 format

Seems like the new MT9 format, or Music 2.0 as the company Audizen calls it, is all over the news these days. The idea is simple, and has been explored for years in the research community: distribute multichannel audio, so that the end user can have control over the single tracks. The problem of course is to make this into a standard, and I see many challenges in how this could be implemented:...

May 28, 2008 · 1 min · 168 words · ARJ

Presentation at Mobile Music Workshop

Last week I presented the paper Some Challenges Related to Music and Movement in Mobile Music Technology at the Mobile Music Workshop in Vienna. A PDF of the paper is available here. Not sure if the abstract justifies the fairly dense paper, but at least it is compact. Mobile music technology opens many new opportunities in terms of location-aware systems, social interaction etc., but we should not forget that many challenges faced in ”immobile” music technology research are also apparent in mobile computing....

May 23, 2008 · 1 min · 113 words · ARJ