New publication: Sonic Microinteraction in the Air

I am happy to announce a new book chapter based on the artistic-scientific research in the Sverm and MICRO projects. {.csl-bib-body} {.csl-entry} Citation: Jensenius, A. R. (2017). Sonic Microinteraction in “the Air.” In M. Lesaffre, P.-J. Maes, & M. Leman (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Embodied Music Interaction (pp. 431–439). New York: Routledge. {.csl-entry} {.csl-entry} Abstract: This chapter looks at some of the principles involved in developing conceptual methods and technological systems concerning sonic microinteraction, a type of interaction with sounds that is generated by bodily motion at a very small scale....

May 3, 2017 · 1 min · 146 words · ARJ

New project Funding: MICRO!

I am happy to announce that I have received funding from the Norwegian Research Council’s program Young Research Talents for the project: MICRO - Human Bodily Micromotion in Music Perception and Interaction. This is a 4-year long project and I will be looking for both a PhD and postdoctoral fellow to join the team. The call will be out later this year, but please do not hesitate to contact me right if you are interested....

March 13, 2016 · 2 min · 272 words · ARJ

New publication: Microinteraction in Music/Dance Performance

This week I am participating at the NIME conference (New Interfaces for Musical Expression), organised at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. I am doing some administrative work as chair of the NIME steering committee, and I was happy to present a paper yesterday: Title Microinteraction in Music/Dance Performance Abstract This paper presents the scientific-artistic project Sverm, which has focused on the use of micromotion and microsound in artistic practice....

June 2, 2015 · 1 min · 190 words · ARJ