Installing Ubuntu on a HP Pavilion laptop

So I decided to install Ubuntu on my daughter’s new laptop, more specifically an HP Pavilion. The choice of this particular laptop was because it looked nice, and had good specs for the money. It was first after the purchase I read all the complaints people have about the weird UEFI implementation on HP laptops. So I started the install process with some worries. Reading on various forums, people seemed to have been doing all sorts of strange things to be able to install Ubuntu on HP laptops, including modifying the UEFI setup, changing the BIOS, and so on....

September 28, 2019 · 2 min · 252 words · ARJ

Which Linux version to choose for a 9-year old?

My 9-year old daughter is getting her first laptop. But which OS should she get started with? I have been using various versions of Ubuntu as my main OS for around 5 years now, currently using Ubuntu Studio on my main laptop. This distro is based on XFCE, a very lightweight yet versatile OS. The reason for choosing Ubuntu Studio over the regular XUbuntu was to get a bunch of music apps by default....

September 28, 2019 · 2 min · 302 words · ARJ

New Laptop Orchestra Piece: Click-It

Yesterday I was teaching a workshop on laptop orchestra performance for the students in Live electronics at the Norwegian Academy of Music. I usually start such workshops by playing the piece Clix by Ge Wang (see e.g. here for a performance of it). It is a fun piece to play, and it is nice to show the students something else than Max patches. Unfortunately, while setting up for the workshop I had problems getting Chuck to work on my new laptop....

February 9, 2012 · 2 min · 329 words · ARJ