Musikkteknologidagene 2012

](/images/2012/10/image2.jpg) Last week I held a keynote lecture at the Norwegian music technology conference Musikkteknologidagene, by (and at) the Norwegian Academy of Music and NOTAM. The talk was titled: “Embodying the human body in music technology”, and was an attempt at explaining why I believe we need to put more emphasis on human-friendly technologies, and why the field of music cognition is very much connected to that of music technology....

October 30, 2012 · 3 min · 576 words · ARJ

Lab wiki

We have set up a new wiki for the fourMs lab. It is mainly intended as a place for tutorials and various tricks and tips in using the software and hardware systems available. Hopefully, the wiki can also be useful for other researchers in the field.

January 30, 2009 · 1 min · 46 words · ARJ

On the news

A journalist from the national broadcaster NRK came to our opening on Friday, and he made a story which was shown on the “cultural news” Friday night. The clip can be seen here (in Norwegian). Below is an image of Rolf Inge Godøy being interviewed before the opening.

September 28, 2008 · 1 min · 48 words · ARJ

Open lab

We have slowly been moving into our new lab spaces over the last weeks. The official opening of the labs is scheduled for Friday 26 September, but we had a pre-opening “Open lab” for the new music students last week, and here are some of the pictures shot by Anne Cathrine Wesnes during the presentation. Here I am telling the students a little about our new research group, and showing the main room:...

August 26, 2008 · 1 min · 109 words · ARJ

Black box in the lab

Last week we started setting up a “black box” in the new lab space. It is great to finally have a more permanent motion lab set up that we can use for various types of observation studies and recording sessions.

July 17, 2008 · 1 min · 40 words · ARJ