leonardo-2013 Today the MIT Press journal Leonardo has published my paper entitled “Some video abstraction techniques for displaying body movement in analysis and performance”. The paper is a summary of my work on different types of visualisation techniques of music-related body motion. Most of these techniques were developed during my PhD, but have been refined over the course of my post-doc fellowship.

The paper is available from the Leonardo web page (or MUSE), and will also be posted in the digital archive at UiO after the 6 month embargo period.

A. R. Jensenius. Some video abstraction techniques for displaying body movement in analysis and performance. Leonardo, 46(1):53–60, 2013.

**This paper presents an overview of techniques for creating visual displays of human body movement based on video recordings. First a review of early movement and video visualization techniques is given. Then follows an overview of techniques that the author has developed and used in the study of music-related body movements: motion history images, motion average images, motion history keyframe images and motiongrams. Finally, examples are given of how such visualization techniques have been used in empirical music research, in medical research and for creative applications.


   Author = {Jensenius, Alexander Refsum},
   Journal = {Leonardo},
   Number = {1},
   Pages = {53--60},
   Title = {Some video abstraction techniques for displaying body movement in analysis and performance},
   Volume = {46},
   Year = {2013}}