Inspired by the work [[[Static no. 12 by Daniel Crooks that I watched at the Sydney Biennale]{.entry-content}]{.status-content}]{.status-body} a couple of weeks ago, I have added the option of scanning a single column in the jmod.motiongram% module in Jamoma. Here is a video that shows how this works in practice:

About motiongrams A motiongram is a way of displaying motion (e.g. human motion) in the time-domain, somehow similar to how we are used to working with time-representations of audio (e.g. waveform displays and sono/spectrograms). The method is based on creating a motion image, doing a matrix reduction on it and plotting the resultant 1xn or nx1 matrices over time either horizontally or vertically.

Comparison of motiongrams Below is an image showing three different types of motiongrams:

  1. Single line scan based on regular image
  2. Average scan based on regular image
  3. Average scan based on motion image

I think all of them are interesting, so the use of them will have to be adjusted according to what type of material you are working with.

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