To allow everyone to watch their own synchronised spectrograms and motiongrams, I have made a small application called AudioVideoAnalysis.

It currently has the following features:

  • Draws a spectrogram from any connected microphone
  • Draws a motiongram/videogram from any connected camera
  • Press the escape button to toggle fullscreen mode

Built with Max/MSP by Cycling ‘74 on OS X.5. I will probably make a Windows version at some point, but haven’t gotten that far yet.

A snapshot of the main interface:

The main window of the AudioVideoAnalysis application

The fullscreen can be toggled with the escape button:

Fullscreen mode in the AudioVideoAnalysis application

The are, obviously, lots of things that can and will be improved in future versions. Please let me know of any problems you experience with the application, and if there is anything in particular you think should be included.